as the earth turns a year older, some things are still left as wishes . . .
wished i went back to liverpool and watched an Anfield game.
wished i had cable since august so that i could watch liverpool's quest for premiership title.
wished i could have reviewed and applied for ASCP certification.
wished i never had lousy, ungrateful, lying tenants. damn you.
wished lacey, mother hen, jon jon stayed in the bloodbank longer.
wished my hair grew longer and manageable.
wished i had a basketball court in my front yard.
wished i could be a better son
wished i had a wii to play with my wife.
wished i went to cambodia.
wished that the beloria's stayed a week more in singapore.
wished i have new culinary gadgets and gizmos.
wished i could be a better hubby.
wished that i was manny pacquiao.
wished i could have less sick leave.
wished all this wishes will go away fro my head . . .
contentment is having to lose all these materialistic things. anyways, happy birthday bong. and happy new year to all . . .
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
BoN VoYaGe LaCeY
this was the first warnings i got before joining the bloodbank. a good friend told me this "don't judge her by the way she talks, just get over the personality that you see and dig deeper, you'll see the real her...." i didn't know what that meant really when she said it but it did warn me enough . . .
a friend, no a really good friend, no a big sister. a mentor. a crazy mother. a superior sister. a friendly superior mother. a mother superior.
well, ive known her for 730 days and she's leaving soon. and why am i sad? ill tell you why . . .
most, in your lifetime, you'll encounter people as unique as what lacey is to me. im not close to her. no. she'll tell you that we dont share secrets. no we dont tell each other personal things on purpose. yet when we talk to each other, i do feel like she's a sibling in which you know that that ear is listening and that ear is attached to a heart that feels and to a brain that analyzes. beyond those "macho" persona (sowee) you can see a person who is caring and thoughtful. one classic attitude i like about her is her frankness. very blunt. what is white is white and what is black is black. no gray areas as much as possible. strong willed. determination in which i envy most of the time. i do admire you if you dont mind. you brain works like google. in terms of transfusion medicine of course. and i have to admit, i was one of the founders of the term in BTS, the "google search". all of us here dont have that. only you.
the shouts, the frantic work behavior, the urgency, the clumsiness, the marathons, the google search, the scoldings, the arguements, the knowledge, the know-how, the questions, the teachings, the 6's, the CNY dinner's, the life-saving late night fone calls, the ugly handwriting, the filipino connection (hmmn) . . . .sigh.
i wish you all the best and i know you are the best in what you do. hugs tyt.
so long, i wish we could still work if not just see you again someday.
stay safe. keep away from our african american friends ok?
watch one. learn one. teach one.
its one of those corniest sayings of all times . . "yesterday was history, tomorrow's a mystery, that's why today is called a present". nothing is an accident. all was written before hand and is waiting to happen. in short, it called fate.
all these while ive been grumbling about what presents im going to receive this christmas and was so overly concerned to be materialistic even. neglecting the most precious of all that i have received this christmas. yes, one present. a present nobody else can have but only me. a jewel that heaven has given to me. my loving wife.
i apologise if i do disregard the fact that you were always there for me. even through times where i don't know who i am anymore. you are the nail than keeps me on the ground. your are the needle that pokes me so that i won't go bloated. i dont need to say more coz it will be endless. an endless gratitude that is.
people's natural reaction or if i may call it evil reaction is that when the tree is fruitful, they throw stones at it. yes, there are certain people around us that might invent stories or just plain manipulate the truth for their own selfish gains yet i do tell them now and will always tell them. go on and try your luck. fruits or without fruits, our roots are entwined until we are one and will stay as one forever.
to those people who know us better, we do appreciate your honesty, not to us, but to yourselves who is righteous enough to believe what your eyes dont see and things you hear without your ears. you dont call people who believe in the wind hypocrites right? you feel the wind though you cant see it. to you guy, my gratitude.
to you wabsie, in times when i do get out of control, you have every right to put me in my proper place. your hand fits mine every time i hold it. our thoughts makes me laugh at its slightest hint of a joke. through vanity and simplicity, i would never thought of having a life more fulfilling than sharing and loving you.
have a good night my love.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Friday, December 26, 2008
well well well, for two years running . . .wifey gave up and surrendered her dignity by buying me a present that i wanted. lolz. i dont know what is it called in psychology but in household terms, its called nagging. just nag and nag about what you want until it forms into her mind that she'll buy it for christmas. try starting out around september and keep on mentioning it as if you are a broken record. and voila! welcome the "considerable embarrassment" from crumpler! it has been a while now that i complain on having to bring bulky items without bringing a bag to work. colleagues do ask me why i dont bring a bag and i do have a smart retort that i did bring my dignity with me didnt i? well, no more excuses. PSP, large earphones, umbrella, water bottles, books, even an extra pair of undies! welcome, welcome all!
bwahahahaha . . .love you wabsie . . .whahahahahaha
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Monday, December 22, 2008
BLeeDeR WHo?!?!
damn busy.
so busy till your nose bleed.
im blogging now nearing the end of this horrible shift. cant wait for that short hand of the clock to hit 7 and the longer one at 6. ninety more minutes. of uncertainty, of craziness, of punishment.
i came last night smiling coz i got a warning from a colleague that i am supposed to handle a jumper. no not like the one you saw in a movie whereby they teleport and can manipulate time. this is a real jumper. literally. a jumper from a building that is.
well, im so sorry to disappoint you ms. aliwarga coz its not a jumper. the poor girl accidentally fell from the 9th floor while hanging clothes. broken limbs and broken skull, the lady didnt bother me much. just took a couple and thats it. i even have 2 more units untouched. surviving, she maybe is playing with her handfone already. like most maids do as their fave pasttime.
yet, again, being me, my nights wouldnt be as interesting as usual if not for stupid people racing in the highway or some asshole trying to be funny. three separate trauma cases bombarded the emergency department and it felt like im the closest to its epicenter. 2 units e-blood started it all. then cryo then ffp then csp then rbc then ffp then platelets then rbc then ffp. . . . ive never heard ot porters complain this much. they know that these three trauma cases are queuing.
no break. no psp. no movie. just blood and ot and my bloody nose.
yes, i was quite surprised myself. i havent recovered totally yet. still having this runny, watery nose with an endless supply of mucus. and the more busy you get, the more active it wants to produce its snot. imagine! well, in short, i kept sneezing here and there, filling the bloodbank with my virus like a dog marking its territory. until about 5 am where i took a tissue to supercalifragilisticexpialidociously expel a humongous amout of mucus anmd expected it to be green yet it turned out to be red! i thought i was imagining things and luckily i didnt leave anything in my lab coat. maybe its high blood pressure or maybe im just to stressed out. well blogging relaxes me. and its stupid to activate my pager at 5 in the morning . .duh!
anyways, merry chistmas to all of you suckers. sleep tyt. may you over sleep and you come to work late so that youll get scolded by your boss till your ears also bleed!
(grumble, grumble, spit!)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
id had beed a few dayd now. i beed sneezid and coughid like hell. my node id red and my throat hurtd. acute viral naso pharyngitis, thatds whad its called. common cold.
aaaaaaachoooooooooo! snort snort .. .cough cough . . .ptui!
i lost count how many times i do that in a day. yet, here i am, doing house chores like a normal husband would do (right wabsie?). ironing clothes and taking care of unruly and ungrateful canines and a very stubborn feline.
anyways, sorry for not being able to blog for a long time coz i really was busy. i was on night shift last fridays night and for the first time i didnt have the chance to sit down and punch the keyboard for i was really occupied in saving someones' life. i've been struggling since i stepped on to the lab fighting for a lady from united arab emirates, in the OT table having both of her legs cut off, a hemipelvictomy. being rich and warded as a john's hopkin's patient, this one is a vip case. and aside from that, as if its not yet complicated, antibody screen results shows the patient has an antibody (non-bloodbank reader can sleep now). all in all the lady consumed 26 bags of full crossmatched red blood cells, 14 fresh frozen plasmas, 8 random platelets, 10 units of cryoprecipitate and a big bag of cell separated platelets in my shift before she was transferred to the surgical intensive care unit. whew. finally over.
or was it?
just 30 mins after i got a call from SICU that the patient needs another set of FFP's, a frantic nurse from emergency called and asked 4 units un crossmatched blood to a patient who is a victim of a stabbing incident! (there goes my breaktime).
all in all i was wiped out. maybe immunity was at its lowest and this rhinovirus opportunistically jumped on me. well, guess what, i lost.
aaaaaaachoooooooooo! snort snort .. .cough cough . . .ptui!
merry christmas suckers.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Beli BoLiNG
it has been 2 days now that i have a terrible time spending if not wasting my time in the lab. 2 days surrounded by shreiks and loud laghter it sometimes makes you wanna puke. its like eating too many chocolates and later vomitting it out coz its too good.
pity lin lau da today. im happy i wasn't a part of it. yet it made me think. i do notice it once in a while. no offence chili padi but although it sounds 100% true it couldnt be 100% false either. just carry a shotgun in your bag will do the trick. sleep well ya?
darn this 9 dragons game im playing online. i keep on dying! damn you bears!
gotta sleep early or else my wife will complain. she married a man and not a panda!
nyt nyt ya all.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
there are only a handful of Filipinos i consider my heroes ar at least, people who i really look up to. no question one of them is my father. another one you could say is mr bob ong. yet there is one person that really intrigued me for over 5 years now. ive been following and there has been nods and headshakes in between. yep. the guys name is emmanuel. manny pacquiao. the pacman. the mexicutioner. the number one pound-for-pound boxer in the world today. and he is facing yet another challenge.
i remembered shaking one of my wife's aunt's house. watching that 2 fight between him and erik morales made me forget where i was. i think i was him throwing punches to this resilient opponentand made him drop to his knees. i even bought that fight night round 3 game in my xbox just to play him over and over again.
a lot of people say that this fight would be a circus and a suicide attempt to smear his remarkable achievement. i dont think so. i do think that this will be talked about for the next 20 years or more. this will go down the history that it is the biggest upset of all time. 3rd round knockout for manny pacquiao!!!
me and my cursed mouth. (watch out oscar!)
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
im not one of those kids who enjoyed christmas believing santa claus and his megacorporation going down the chimneys and giving gifts to all children in the world. naughty or nice. i thought this was an unfair fabrication of western people saying santa clause only give gifts to people living in cold countries since we, as like 4 billion families in the tropics, have no chimneys. damn you santa claus!
well, as far as i can remember, im a very curious person. always asking how or why. never contented in things i see or hear but i have need to analyze and investigate. didn't took very long to discover my parents were santa claus. didn't take long that i know santa is a female saint in spanish. didn't take that long to realize that rudolph has a red nose since it was snowing so hard so he might have a cold! try going into one of our cold rooms (-30 degrees for 5 mins) and stay there and tell me your nose is the same color as before. aaaachhhoooo!
merry christmas everybody. i know that in india they celebrated new year's day so soon having bombed some hotels and train stations. cowards. why not all terrorist cells duel with each other, say al qaeda vs the abu sayaff or moro islamic liberation front against jema'ah islamiyah? since you guys are all anger management freaks, do try out cancelling each other and not innocent people! cowards.
i wanna go to bethlehem and celebrate christmas day there with my wife on my lifetime. tis one of my wishes before i leave this world. ain't it something?
off day on a weekday . . what fun. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
gotta cook! have to keep my herd well fed!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
as you sleep soundly tonight, let me do the dreaming for you. these are beautiful words inspired by what we commonly have, had and will enjoy till life after our deaths. thank you for all the things that you have done for me. my gratitude is endless and i feel blessed to share the rest of my life with you . . . Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. You and I have it, we have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we will find that we are one tree and not two.
i love you.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
i really don't get why people pretend. is it because you want to fool everyone or yourself? last thing that i'll do is lose my self respect.
december is coming and i know people are looking at me to do the first step. why me? i do have reasons and people know why christmas at work is not the same as last year. you guys know my reasons as to why im choosing to be the grinch this holiday season. ok, maybe it's exaggerated. maybe not the grinch. just someone who won't organize a single thing coz i don't want to pretend im happy at work.
i love you guys. all of you. erhm maybe a few exceptions lah. hehehe. yet its not reason enough for me to pretend. i told you, or most of you, that i'm not celebrating since mother superior is going abroad. final. i'm sorry.
anyways, i won't be sabotaging anything that you might come up. i will follow. nevertheless i will try my best until i couldn't take pretending no more. i would even help decorating your little cell known as BTS. lolz. im sorry to the old folks of the lab for hanging a white colored lantern. seems i really have to learn more about chinese culture.
enough said. will talk to you again later. damn this anti S . . .so many things to prepare. . . . anti p1 some more . . . arghhhh . . .ot 17 shut up!!!!!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Monday, November 17, 2008
wah lau!
dammit. so so forgetful. was planning to upload bali photos tonight since im on night shift again. darn!
anyways, am glad that passing messages tonight was smooth and quiet (so far i haven't discovered something fishy). i do hope it will be a quiet night since again i forgot to take some vitamins and dinner wasn't that great. i dunno what's wrong with me. i noticed lately that i have been sloppy in the kitchen. even my chicken arroz caldo this lunchtime isn't as yummy. do you hear me god of the kithen??? do you want me to be an atheist?
just finished watching hellboy II . . .so funny . .this is one feelgood movie. especially that scene whereby abe and red were singing barry manilow's "can't smile without you" . . .lolz . .im still smiling . . .
just finished watching transamerica this afternoon too . .while folding clothes coz my other half is so busy working . . .imagine me on top of my bed in fron of my tele and beside me are 3 hampers full of clothes ready to be folded. ami a good husband or wat?!?!?!?
hey borj, why doncha watch transamerica and see lynette scavo having a penis!!!its in our dvd player . .i haven't taken it out yet . . .feel sorry im not beside you tonight . .just sniff yourself to sleep with my favorite (unwashed for 6 years) blue pillow . . .keep it warm for me. luv ya.
laters buwayas . ..
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
LoNGeViTY . .
this is not what filipinos are known for. may it be in age, patience, nor at work. they do get bored easily and jump from one work to another.they don't live as old as the chinese either. and, for me as an example, has a very thin skin. onion skinned SOB who can get angry at a wink.
well, i thought the day would end up miserable. lots of things to keep me awake. yet again, the phone lines inside the lab had problems. making half of my shift reading newspapers and yawning. i even watched half a movie.
i didn't realize that my partner has been working in a lab for 30 years now. no this is not a typing error. i really intended to write the number 30! she has been working since 1978! goodness gracious mehh!!! thats the year i was born!!!!!!!! nice thing coz she was talking about the procedures she has been doing like manual methods and stuff that i can relate. i was one unfortunate soul to be attached in a hospital that is so poor that what we were doing, singapore was doing it 30 years ago. thats how backward our medicine in my hometown. and for me to realize this overturns what i can see for myself. i was blessed to have experienced the poor, manual method and the modern wonders of laboratory medicine. geeezzz.
90 mins more to go . . better buckle up and read those damn fridge temperatures or else the lau da tai tai will throw lightning and growl thunder at me . . .(peace lola)
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out of nothing.
i just decided to shave the bush on top of my head i call hair.
no bets.
no influences.
going retro i s'pose.
too cold. december coming. i need protection. wind is chilly. noontime sun is so hot.
lucky i cut after Bali. or else my scalp will get sunburnt and brain fried.
it's sunday and im still working. left my wife soundly asleep and im so jealous coz even my dog is soundly asleep. except for the fat cat in the kitchen who asked for his breakfast showed sympathy for the lone person who just woke up to do his shift. i appreciate what you have done ozzy. (i still think you are ungrateful).
i don't know how to get through today. i know my saliva will turn sour for not talking. maybe ill talk to myself.
i love you wabs. im sorry i have to work . . . . huragok for me willya?!?
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hehehe . .sounds like a porn flick . . .anyways . .HaPPY MoNTHLiVeRSaRY Borj....looking forward to watch a movie with you tonight (i hope). its very rare nowadays that i get proposals for a date. its always me who gives it. hmmn . .hint hint. . .
dammit. i thought i will be sleeping this half day and what do i get? my most favorite shift of all time. early shift sux. im the person who wishes night will turn to day and day turn into night. i cant sleep early and i dont want to wake up early too. MJ, you should have a very valid reason why did you go sick leave! it's my monthliversary!!!
well, peaceful now. so far i just issued 4 units of platelets. just finished my cheap copi and bullied Lin Lau Da to go home. busy night. transport driver grumpy. whats new????
its been 30 mins in my shift now and im sleepy. pray for me and for my eyelids.
damn all of you who has no work and is resting now. may all of you have stiff necks!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Friday, November 14, 2008
'NuFF SaiD
yep . .thats all folks. . .shows over . . finally realized im wasting precious time to same old shit. no sane person would cry over spilled milk. or even more, spoilt milk. spoilt stinky rotting curdling milk. (i could go on and on and on . . .)
well, just letting everybody know . . .we should see bali, indonesia next year guys . . .we were there last weekend for my wife's bday and that was a blast. mr ramos should agree with me. but this time around we should do all water activities and leave our wives in one corner to gossip, ok?
probably july or august 2009 . . .watchutink????
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
ouCH! DiD iT HuRT?
is dat u?
is that really you?
i took up some fishing lessons when i was in Bali, Indonesia over the weekend and guess what! someone took the bait!!!
what a big catch that was. a whaleful of deceit!or a gurami of truth! i dunno how to describe it but both definitions are valid. ( making it a gurami is an exaggeration, i just don't know any fish smaller than a gurami, could be microscopic!)
guilty? define guilt. Self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing. whoa. a little logic here.
1. you did something wrong.
2. you read a blog and related yourself to it.
3. you "self-reproach".
4. you reacted.
5. you are guilty!
jury's out . . . or maybe just look in the mirror and save some dignity. guilty. on all counts!
life is not fair i suppose. that's what the Bible tells me. it is just. nobody's throwing at an apple tree unless they bear fruit (lots of it ,actually). my life right now, if i could describe it, is simply full of love, contentment and hunger for adventure at the same time. i know im not perfect nor will i ever be but with my wife beside me im complete. we complement each other. yes we do fight. ask your apuys and great grandparents and they will tell you the same old boring verdict. marriage is not a bliss. it is a struggle. and i know we are winning . . . .
awim bawep awim bawep awim bawep . . . .to all my fans . . .thank you for running my business well even though its none of your business. to my lesser minions! come and lets declare that today is the day that is the same as last year! and im just curious why you continue reading my blog even though it is sometimes contaminated with garbage like this entry.
Trivia: did you know that this blog can track you down wherever you are and at what time you read this and what operating system and browser you use and . . . .lots more!
search "bansoy diesto" under google dot com. geeeez . .im a celebrity!
desperate? insane? . . .tsk tsk tsk. all i thank for is that my wife saved me from hell. gave me back my self respect and dignity and showed me how love should be lived. love is never an obligation. needs not to be laborous. love is like a plain gaze and not gifts mandatory given. materialistic-ism , social climbing and being "kay poh" does nothing good. i cannot even handle my own blog, then why would i read others? (except for Mr. Biga-on's blog of course). friendster sux. and why would we read yours btw? all we could get are lies and deceit and self proclaimed do gooder. never did, never will. im sorry to disappoint. im only human with a will not to waste on gossips.
facts are facts. manipulated truth. name it. bottom line is i won't gather followers to join my cause. i am what i am and i don't give a shit of what other people say. no, i dont owe you anything and i say what ever i want to say. ill tell the truth coz im forced to do so. ill do everything that i can to protect my family and loved ones. being quiet did me no good. maybe someone did asked for it. maybe it's googles' fault. damn you google dot com!
i was tempted to react word for word. i was about to go berzerk and break my comfort zone and be like hmmn . . anyways, mooooozahhhh . .thanks adam sandler. you are helping me. mooooosaaaaahh . ..mooooossaaaaahh . . .
fritz, joan, hope, latanafrancia. . .ideas? you bloody know how life can be cruel at times. how to make it bearable are friends like you. you guys never say anything, you never do anything. you watch, you read, yet you know the truth. yup, truth hurts, even for those people who manufacture them.
keep on reading my friends and my not so friends. make me some money!
wabsie, you are the bestest.
ps. my other half is laughing so hard she can't stand up straight. shallow . . .shallow . . . this is a waste of our time. our precious time.
read more. be curious. fill us with your hatred. you are making us stronger. salamat.
(btw, when were you a part of us?, hmmn. . . another lie. down it goes to the drain . . .)
lie, lier, lie(est?).
(shaking head)
gotta go, tummy's grumbling. full of air laughing. wasted 10 mins. darn.
watch one lie, learn to lie, teach one to lie. liars!
Friday, November 7, 2008
BaLi. . .
well, were off to bali, indonesia tomolo. cant't wait and the perfect way to end a gruelling week with a perfect view of a perfect beach in a perfect holiday.
to those who want to drop a kaboom on bali again, think twice ok? you can do what ever you want after the 12th. you can even nuke them. let us have our 96 hours of fun in the sun, and clubs, and beaches, and shopping, and topless er . . ., and pictures (typo error) . . . and tours, and volcanoes and authentic balinese food and traditions . . .
geared up and ready to go . . .all we need now is sleep. ta ta!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
ConFuSeD? GuiLT? oR PLaiN GaRBaGe?
there has been a saying, no matter how you make garbage look good, whether you raise them up and put in a glass pedestal, dress them in nice expensive clothes, mix them with good smelling people, they still are and always will be garbage.
yep. today's topic is garbage. the type that you don't want to talk about coz they smell. well today's an exception coz i think the garbage doesn't know where they belong.
some people are born with manners. some do have a great sense of self worth. some people like to piss standing and some squatting. some can piss as high as the eiffel tower. some people have talents yet don't know it and some use it for their own greed. some people can take compliments well and build on them to do more good. some just stuff them in their heads like helium in a balloon and could make them float, into the universe of morons. some are educated, to the purpose of serving what is good. and some do use their intelligence to make themselves filthy like sluts.
you say you have friends? or they are just your puppets? like me. i was one. one stupid puppet. and you are my most obtuse error in life. you manipulate people including your family, from fake delusions and bogus illnesses, you will do everything just to have your way. the garbage way. when will you grow up? when will you accept the reality that it is the cheapest thing what you are doing right now. does your other half know that you are still holding something from the past? have some self respect (im wondering how a shit-head could achieve one) and move on. what you did to me was accepted. it is unforgivable. it is a motive to murder you. (remember this? attention, care, sister's tuition, financial help). you showed no respect to what was given to you and now that you lost it you want to destroy who i found deserving? only a scumbag like you can, will and would do that. at first i was angry, then i loathed, and now, tsk tsk tsk, with all the efforts you have done, i pity you. you made me stronger. you made me love my wife more. and i do think the more you do it, the stronger our relationship gets. and you are not worthy of anything from me. only this time. (still hoping that you have enough brain cells to understand this). you were dumped. get over it. like a garbage that you are.
copy, or better yet, subscribe to my blog. earn me more money.
humility is a virtue and you are scum. (copy that)
watch one, learn one, teach one. yep, you watch your sis, learn from your sis, teach your little sis. watch garbage, teach garbage, learn garbage. (im laughing coz you are so entertaining)
remember . . .someone is watching . . .even garbages are watched!
watch one. learn one. teach one. (i wonder if my hits increase exponentially now?)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
something to feed you guys. hongkong pics long overdue. so bored tonight so i have to do this or else my subconcious will overtake my concious state. zzzzzzz...
taken on our first day in hongkong. can u imagine a signal number 8 typhoon warning? yep, we were outside sightseeing in this weather . . .sorry for some blue pics ya . .
second day. ocean park cancelled. and we have to deal with "the peak". nothing spectacular. only some garbage cans and garbages flying . .
some retail therapy in hongkong . . .for what i think hongkong is famous for . . . my wife loved it . . mum and pop did too . .
finally some sun. and of course, disneyland. it might be the size of the toilet in disneyworld but it made our day . . .especially our senior citizens . . .
daisy duck, pluto, goofy and who was that? the she-devil?
hongkong disneyland was already preparing their halloween theme . . . nightshots looks creepy coz they did it this way. . .
so what does a medical technologist do in hongkong? go to a resto with a shitty theme. yes, their theme is about shit, er, toilet actually. you sit in a toilet bowl, eat in a toilet bowl. your table is a bath tub. your glass is a urinal. your lamp is shaped like a plunger. and all the decors in the wall are shit. simple. yummy. gastronomic.
watch one. learn one. teach one.