Monday, December 22, 2008

BLeeDeR WHo?!?!

damn busy.

so busy till your nose bleed.


im blogging now nearing the end of this horrible shift. cant wait for that short hand of the clock to hit 7 and the longer one at 6. ninety more minutes. of uncertainty, of craziness, of punishment.

i came last night smiling coz i got a warning from a colleague that i am supposed to handle a jumper. no not like the one you saw in a movie whereby they teleport and can manipulate time. this is a real jumper. literally. a jumper from a building that is.

well, im so sorry to disappoint you ms. aliwarga coz its not a jumper. the poor girl accidentally fell from the 9th floor while hanging clothes. broken limbs and broken skull, the lady didnt bother me much. just took a couple and thats it. i even have 2 more units untouched. surviving, she maybe is playing with her handfone already. like most maids do as their fave pasttime.

yet, again, being me, my nights wouldnt be as interesting as usual if not for stupid people racing in the highway or some asshole trying to be funny. three separate trauma cases bombarded the emergency department and it felt like im the closest to its epicenter. 2 units e-blood started it all. then cryo then ffp then csp then rbc then ffp then platelets then rbc then ffp. . . . ive never heard ot porters complain this much. they know that these three trauma cases are queuing.

no break. no psp. no movie. just blood and ot and my bloody nose.

yes, i was quite surprised myself. i havent recovered totally yet. still having this runny, watery nose with an endless supply of mucus. and the more busy you get, the more active it wants to produce its snot. imagine! well, in short, i kept sneezing here and there, filling the bloodbank with my virus like a dog marking its territory. until about 5 am where i took a tissue to supercalifragilisticexpialidociously expel a humongous amout of mucus anmd expected it to be green yet it turned out to be red! i thought i was imagining things and luckily i didnt leave anything in my lab coat. maybe its high blood pressure or maybe im just to stressed out. well blogging relaxes me. and its stupid to activate my pager at 5 in the morning . .duh!

anyways, merry chistmas to all of you suckers. sleep tyt. may you over sleep and you come to work late so that youll get scolded by your boss till your ears also bleed!

(grumble, grumble, spit!)

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