Saturday, April 26, 2008

uNa NoCHe PoR CoMPLeTo De La MieRDa

i went home with a complaint. i tried to sleep with a complaint. i dreamt complaining. i woke up with disgust. i took a bath and prepared to go to work without the "urge" from my feet to go out and leave my wife for the 2nd night in a row. una noche por completo de la mierda.

here i am now sitting in front of the pc. systems down. brother ewik doing his own "entertaining oneself" rituals. i'll try not to look at the clock as often as possible coz i do believe that it'll make me more sad. one bright side tho is that johnny from hcll did call and promised to call back once the system is up so that we could clear the backlog. i hope we wont activate lacey and save a soul from a wrecked weekend.

awim bawep awim bawep awim bawep . .yadda yadda yadda . . .una noche por completo de la mierda. overflowing.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008


this question might be routinely asked everyday by common people across the globe but in my workplace, it has been one of the most annoying thing you hear everyday.
ivan, are you ok? . . .geez . . if you only know.
there are two types of answers to this questions. one is to answer yes and hope thats the end of it. the other is no, where we try not to say even if its the truth, for the fear of getting another question thus prolonging the conversation hence prolonging the suffering, the anguish, the agony etc etc . . .
honestly though, if i was asked this question this week, i would probably say no. im upset to be honest. maybe this is my karma. or maybe my whole life is a bad karma coz maybe i was evil in my past life (as a cockroach).tsk tsk tsk. but don't get me wrong. i won't buy kfc to all who'se reading this crap.
if life is a wheel, maybe im at the bottom. hell yes i am! and im just a tini tiny bit happy coz i have no other way to go but up. like what lacey my friend said, its better to be on cloud zero than in cloud nine coz there's no other way but up. i just hope i could climb fast enuf tho.
the night's not bad. just a single call asking for an xray report. random stupid nurse on duty maybe. so boring. even the ward 3b porter/janitor zhang is sleeping while waiting for a couple of albumins in our window.
ill try not to bitch anymore. i could talk about it forever and it gets redundant. dont ask me why it took me so long to give up. maybe im just evil. maybe im a liar. maybe im full of shit. yup, i think i was born to piss the world off.
im talking crap again.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008


a few head-shaking things u hear in the bts phone.

* NURSE: hello?, can u send someone to pick up the body to the mortuary?.
* NURSE: hello bts bank? can i have some numeric (pneumatic) tubes please?
* NURSE: hello ah? izzit bloodbank? can i order one unit of psp please? m.o. approved!.
* DOCTOR: hello bloodbank, your m.o. approved 1 frozen washed rbc. may i know what is it huh?
* BTS: hello bts here, mojo jojo speaking, can i help you?
* NURSE: hold on ha . . (makes you wait 1 minute, making your neck ache)
* NURSE: (ward) hello bts, can i have 500ml ffp please asap for my patient?
* BTS: (takes pt ic & particulars) ok, half an hour then collect.
* NURSE: aiyo, can it be faster? my doctor asked me to order an hour ago but i was busy.
* BTS: do you have a thawer on your side ma'am?
* NURSE: no. but i need it very urgent how?
*BTS: (sarcastic) but i need to thaw it too, so how? cant give ice kachang to your patient ryt?

as you can see . .this is only the tip of the iceberg. we are not given extra pay for these work hazards we deal every single day. its not even in my contract! this is a work hazard! lolz. . . they even call you plum sometimes and they don't know you. huhuhuhuhuhu . . .

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yesterday was hell. at least the morning part. early afternoon then came a little taste of heaven.
i dunno how can a planned chaos be a very messy thing with this hospital. i thought that this was routinely done every 2 years but still the loopholes were so big that it could cost a lot of lives. i pity myself. i pity my colleagues. we looked like lambs ready to be slaughtered, (except for one that in my head, she was the grass i ate, chewed, digested and shitted). anyways, no point crying about what happened.

watched the forbidden kingdom yesterday. almost fell asleep if not for miss liu yi fei, i dunno about japanese dolls, i kinda have a thing for them (maybe that explains i married my wife!). nice feel good movie, its just that i was so drained after work that i almost fell asleep in some parts of the movie.
again, a sunday. and first thing i do when i reach the lab is to blog. hoping that it must not be as boring as what i expect it to be or else ill be bitchin again the whole day. eleven hours, thirty four minutes, and twenty six seconds more to go.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


i almost killed someone this morning. the insensitivity, the arrogance, the stupidity.

thank you lacey for being there. you saved a life. and you saved me from jail.

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i used to ace exams when i was still in school. that was my strength. every time i have to do oral exams, everything seems to falter. stage fright was my weakness. yet when i mature into what i am now (seems funny to read huh?) it seems that i'd rather talk my way out of trouble rather than writing solutions. i remember saying to myself before i got out of my first job here in singapore, "just let me reach the interview portion, pls pls pls.". coz i know i could convince them to hire me.
just now, i was almost finished with my competency exam and it took a lot of energy from me. i had a hard time focusing. i dunno if it is easy coz i know that i should know the answers but it seems that i cannot put them in writing. i am not confident of what i wrote down. waaaaaaaaaaah . .whats happening to me?
anyways im just happy ive tried. i wont even bother to review it. ill just finish the rest maybe this sunday if i have the time. and again, to all of you homo sapiens hapily sleeping in the cold night under you comfy blankets, i wish you stiff necks and heavy heads when you wake up. hope you forget to comb your hair, forget to wipe your dried saliva when you drooled last night, forget to zip your pants when you get out of your hauzes. grrrrrrrrrr . .i miss my bed.

belated happy monthliversary best friend! i love you mostest!

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wife got sick. woke up with wife still in bed. wife complain of backaches. me call bts. me have to take urgent leave. me woke up and send wife with backache to clinic. wife can barely walk. people think me abuse wife. wife gets a lil better after clinic visit. ok ok . .enough with the tarzan talk. well, that sums up my day yesterday. im sorry to mdm ooi to be activated and missed an appointment. well, what can i say, u win some, u lose some.

watched a dvd last night. was surprised to see a nice movie though i never heard any good reviews about it. maybe its my wife. snuggling cozily while we watched. and for those who haven't seen it yet, u better. here are some quotes stuck to my head from the movie.

Girl Patient: My mom's last boyfriend was bald. He was nice, but she didn't marry
Kate: No?
Girl Patient: There's always something better coming around the corner. That's what
she says...
Kate: If she's not careful, she can spend her whole life waiting.

Alex: [voice over] How's your sunset?
Kate: It's perfect.
Alex: I only wish you were here to share it with me.

Kate: One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to.
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Sunday, April 13, 2008


a "bitch" is worse than "to bitch". i dunno how they grade that but thats what they say. it means "complaining about someone or sumthing. i wonder what do they call a guy who bitches a lot. is there such a term? what do we do in our workplace, does it fall in this criteria? are we all bitches? they also say, to bitch or a bitch pertains to the female gender. which makes me wonder, if a guy bitch a lot, is he gay? maybe i am gay! (shhhh, dont let my wife know!). is it really a sin to complain? is that a normal forgivable response if you are aggraviated? who knows?
all i know is that im entitled to my own opinion. ill say what i want if my tummy is aching or my foot got stepped on. amen
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APPENDIX : A narrow, elongated tube closed at one end, extending from the cecum, a blind pocket off the first part of the large intestine. It is found in only a few mammals. The size and detailed structure of the appendix vary markedly, depending on the species and the age of the individual. Most reptiles, birds, and mammals have a single or a paired cecum at the anterior end of the large intestine, but it is quite rare that this cecum has a thinner projection or true appendix.

POSE: To assume or hold a particular position or posture, as in sitting for a portrait.

now, do you know where im getting at? THUS THE APPENDIX POSE IS BORN! (thanks to joseph for the invention!)

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YaWNeR. . .

darn. i have to wrk on a SUNDAY!. with the evil cat. bitchin about mojo jojo. this p'puff gurls make me wanna be baddddd.
so sleepy today. slept for only 4 hours and i have to work 10 more hours before i can smell my pillows.

wifey went with me and sent me to work today. she went to church and i was off to bitch er work . . .hehehe . .maybe i could send her an sms to ask the Boss to forgive me for bitchin so much today. it is true though. when you are sleepy, you tend to talk nonsense. and ill be talking a lot of crap today.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


im sowee farah, im sowee to the cat's fiance. im sorry for the penalty call. im sorry you are all losers last night. hahaha and ha.
to wait and watch such a game is worth leaving your wife in your bed, battle with sleepiness and anxiety. the gods favored us last night. and i am proud of being a scouser. a true liverpool football club fan.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008


take not of the time i wrote this blog. its the time i saw you-know-who in the pantry. AND SHE'S COMING OVERRRRRRRRR . . .WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH . . .byers.

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if there is a football god, then i believe it does exist. i am supposed to work wednesday morning. yet a kind soul offered to pay back some hours she owed me. oh lacey, lacey, lacey . . .you are a kind soul. with your newfound name, i cant thank you enough for giving me not only 3 days off but most importantly, the match between liverpool and farah's minion. bless you lacey. . this section of my blog is dedicated to you . . awim bawep awim bawep awim bawep (chanting) . . lacey, lacey, lacey . . .thou art be given a boylet . . lacey, lacey, lacey, our prayers are for thee . . . .hmmmmmmmmmnn . . . hmmmmmmnnnnnn . . .awim bawep awim bawep awim bawep.

(its funny to see what people blog if they are sleepy)

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KaRMa: DeFiNeD

can i throw a question? would it be a sin or would it be a greater sin rather, to bitch about somebody's wrongdoing? is it really better to talk to that person face to face rather than talking behind?
is it also a fault or a mistake, to be someone that is different or just deviant from the "norm" that we also put up? are geeks abnormal and jocks normal? are the pretty ones accepted socially and those with not so symmetrical faces should stay at home?
i've done some soul searching while i was on the bus/train yesterday and thought about what if i am in VoLDeMoRT's shoes (heels rather, or boots), i really tried very hard to understand how her coconut works. 5 minutes of trying i had a headache. my face flushed red and i can feel my ears turn tomatoes again. so, i decided to focus on myself this time. asking whether i am wrong into joining a bunch of bickering bitches (no offense intended) chuckling everyday to the same topic, to the same enigma, to the same you-know-who.
karma, as what buddhism teaches, is something that you do, either good or bad, will happen to you in return. maybe this is where the saying what goes around comes around. or maybe what us christians believe, what ever you do in this world, will make you go to heaven or hell.
its funny coz ah lian told me that it doesn't matter to her as long as voldy isn't there! mind that!
our new uncle also tried to share his piece of witz by trying to decipher voldy's unfathomable deepness of thought (wah lau), by telling us that maybe voldy is the type of person who is so self centered, that she knows what she's doing is wrong but still does her own way coz its comfortable and correct for her!
another theory is she was maybe bitten by a dog who was bitten by a mosquito who took blood from an insane guy who was a distant relative of princess dabi! (this was invented, btw).
anyways, i hope this circus ends soon. i feel guilty. i feel angry. i feel exhausted. for me, i dont believe in karma. i have my own reasons. you can explain karma all you want to a priest who was beheaded. u can explain karma to a child who has leukemia. fate is what you make of it. it is written. why im blogging right now is because it is written.

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