Sunday, December 28, 2008

BoN VoYaGe LaCeY

this was the first warnings i got before joining the bloodbank. a good friend told me this "don't judge her by the way she talks, just get over the personality that you see and dig deeper, you'll see the real her...." i didn't know what that meant really when she said it but it did warn me enough . . .

a friend, no a really good friend, no a big sister. a mentor. a crazy mother. a superior sister. a friendly superior mother. a mother superior.

well, ive known her for 730 days and she's leaving soon. and why am i sad? ill tell you why . . .

most, in your lifetime, you'll encounter people as unique as what lacey is to me. im not close to her. no. she'll tell you that we dont share secrets. no we dont tell each other personal things on purpose. yet when we talk to each other, i do feel like she's a sibling in which you know that that ear is listening and that ear is attached to a heart that feels and to a brain that analyzes. beyond those "macho" persona (sowee) you can see a person who is caring and thoughtful. one classic attitude i like about her is her frankness. very blunt. what is white is white and what is black is black. no gray areas as much as possible. strong willed. determination in which i envy most of the time. i do admire you if you dont mind. you brain works like google. in terms of transfusion medicine of course. and i have to admit, i was one of the founders of the term in BTS, the "google search". all of us here dont have that. only you.

the shouts, the frantic work behavior, the urgency, the clumsiness, the marathons, the google search, the scoldings, the arguements, the knowledge, the know-how, the questions, the teachings, the 6's, the CNY dinner's, the life-saving late night fone calls, the ugly handwriting, the filipino connection (hmmn) . . . .sigh.

i wish you all the best and i know you are the best in what you do. hugs tyt.

so long, i wish we could still work if not just see you again someday.

stay safe. keep away from our african american friends ok?

watch one. learn one. teach one.

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