Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1/2 PaSSeD!

my luck haven't run out yet. im so happy to receive such a news today. i passed my competency exam right down the line! passing mark is 40, and i got 40! whew. im so proud of my shitty brain nowadays. rusty but capable. i do hope it will continue till tomolo. so morale-lowering comments i heard today. the seniors took their exams and they look like spoilt eggs afterwards. like life has been drained from their very faces. how can u guys inspire those whom you preceed? now im scared. i dunno if i can sleep later thinking of flunking. "don't go into a battle if you know you don't have the smallest chance of winning". well, im going to a fight in which i have no idea what my opponent is like. it's no use now whining "i should have done this", "i should've studied earlier". its not fun to tell yourself its ok to fail since everyone seems to fail. life sux. i sucketh the mostest.

watch one. learn one. teach one.

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