how to cure a heartache.....
* Keep loving yourself even if it seems an impossible goal. In the long run, you will be a stronger person.
* How bad could things really get? Remember, there's always someone less fortunate.
* If you are feeling bad at night, you can look forward to feeling much better when the sun comes up. So wait.
* Stay true to your beliefs and keep searching in your soul for new ideas.
* Helping other people often helps yourself. Give good advice and don't be negative.
* A joke a day will keep you laughing and during times like these, even if it feels wrong, laughing will make you happy!
* Look for MJ.
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Her eyes are brown, shining like stars at night
Oh when she smiles I melt, her lips are rosy red
When she looks at me, I am hypnotized
Staring at those brown colored eyes, when she's far I miss her
Oh my CHRISTINE I love you, oh my CHRISTINE I do, I do love you
Girl when you're upset, please don't cry coz I'm hurt
I'm always here for you, you gave my life a reason for living
A heart to believe in, a love for us to share
Oh my CHRISTINE I love you, oh my CHRISTINE I care
Say my CHRISTINE will you love me too
Oh my CHRISTINE I do, I do love you
If you need a friend to turn to I will be there, oh I'll be there
All you have to do is take my hand and I'll be there
there are times in your life where it seems hopeless and you have to dig deep for happiness. im blessed i have you wabsie. you always bring smiles to my lips. you unwrinkle my brow. i love you mostest. sleep tight. keep the ungrateful cat away. hugs. hugs. hugs.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
> it is utterly the saddest feeling in the world if you feel useless. its like living without a purpose. without direction. without reason.
last saturday, as we were enjoying a concert (with my wife), a terrible news arrived in my fone from my brother. its a declaration of panic, worry and concern rolled into one message reporting that our home back in the philippines was flooded neck deep. my first reaction was, again, as always, my brother was over reacting. but it was true. my being was torn into two, half enjoying my childhood idols singing and the other half wants to fly back home a.s.a.p.these are those times when you question yourself and not God whether you believe he exists. i know there is a God. a God who is just and has reasons and sometimes those reasons are beyond human understanding and comprehension. if i do have a prayer right now in my head it is for a little bit of wisdom to understand WHY "this" has to happen. my parents are beyond their 60's. my mom has joint problems and my dad has his own kidney and diabetes battle. what is the reason that i cannot understand that "this" has to happen? what do they need to learn from "this" tragedy? are they only being tested, like a game? i don't know. i honestly don't understand. now that all their children are far away and useless, "this" has to happen. silly.
you might see me at work smiling, jerking around and maybe "loose". i do have a serious side and please don't bother if i look stoned. i'm deeply saddened by what happened and i can't wait to go home this 19th of july and assess what damages was done. im not concerned about material things but to hear your mom crying over the fone and you can't even lend a shoulder kills me everytime i remember it. after i go home, maybe i could find answers and understand and hopefully be better wen i come back. i love you mom. i love you pops.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
another day. another boring day. after a three day weekend and that what i get. back to hell er work and nothing to be excited about. what's wrong with singapore today? sigh . .woke up early today. late for about 3 mins. was running after i got out of the mrt station. grumpy people working around me. . . . etc etc . . . good thing i had a nice lunch though . . .and we evaded the audit by having a meeting .. . .i thought dr. K is a straight up guy . . .he hides an evil side also . . heheeheh . . . im blogging just for the sake of having an entry today . . . .i suck.
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Monday, June 23, 2008
here i am
all out of love
making love out of nothing at all
lost in lovepower of love
just as i am
lonely is the night
its never too latesweet dreams
come what may
timeless masterpieces. brought a lot of meaning to my life. thanks you guys. may you both live eternally.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
these are the duo that was with me in my radio, walkman, or any other audio devices i had at that time and yes, up until now, in my communicator, my macbook, my ipod. russell hitchcock and graham russell's concert tonight at the expo at 8 pm . . old and voices are strained like a rusty turntable, i still do live through the meaning of their songs and still get inspired by it. no other artists, no other albums can top this duo in my book o' life. i know their lyrics by heart and could sing the whole night along with them . . .im so excited . .and i just can't hide it . . .lolz . . im so gay . . .
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Friday, June 20, 2008
stressed out.
worn out.
i didnt know that the word fag also means tired. so i say, im fagged. lolz. been doin some weight lifting today. just bought a 2nd hand 29 inch tv. and it costs as much as it weighs . . .the junk was twice my body weight i think and i cant even do 10 full push ups...tsk. . . my wife is right when she enrolled me to the gym today. . . so that when we renew our vows, i could "honeymoon-carry" her afterwards without me hurting my back...
moving from house to house isn't new to me. for eight years now that i stayed in the little red dot, ive moved 8 times oredi. boon teck road, block 218 yishun, lorong 6 toa payoh, kim keat road, far horizon gardens, bullion park, casa rosa and now punggol road in sengkang. so PUHLEEEZE, stop moving!
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knowing that everyone is still asleep and im already working makes my day. ALWAYS. or not!.... sitting here waiting for crazy, deranged people to work with me keeps me awake. today is like independence day. no government. most importantly, NO TERRORIST working. no ears going to bleed. no rolling of eyes.
last day of work guys, before my 3-day escapade.
be jealous. be jealous. be very jealous....
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Thursday, June 19, 2008
VoiCe-BoRNe SyNDRoMe?
photo ops, busybody, ear bleeding voice. i dunno what else to say. symptoms? manifestations?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
how can A & E request FFP also????? how can this happen???? how???(punching the air) how????(pulling hair) how???(eyes crossed)HOOOOOOOOOOWWWW???!!!
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iZZit oNLY Me??
have you ever thought that at one moment, you feel like you are the unluckiest person in the world? felt like that last night.
is it because of a birthmark in the butt? (ooops, did i just say that?) well, you won't know which cheek ryt? hehehe. .anyways, why did i suffer last nyt? karma again? hmmn? i dont think so. imagine, have you ever thawed fresh frozen plasmas for 5 patients at the same time where your thawer and water baths are full to the brim? plus u issue a liter of frozen FFP's to OT, an exclusion waiting to be done and when you look in your specimen tray, there's a total of 5 ED t/s whining to be done! and if its not enough, ED asked for e-blood.
and here i am using all might and will to blog about it.
life is not fair. it is just. God said that. and i don't understand.
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Saturday, June 14, 2008
muhammad ali was so confident of himself that he nicknamed himself as "the greatest" in boxing's history. rightfully named i think for no one else made that big an impact on the art of beating people up. lolz.
"the man who looked at the world at 50 is the same with a man at 20 yet only wasted 30 years of his life" - muhammad ali
i dunno why im so philisophical all of a sudden. maybe its just hormones. (yuck). my wife is contagious( oops, did i say that?)
been looking for a house lately. its the time of the year where u have to find another place to live. to punish yourself for not having at least 2 year lease nor finding a good landlord. we are looking for our land lady's a bitch (pardon my french). . . so please, anybody who know anybody that has a house for rent (hdb not an option for i have a big girlfriend, a dog, which is as big as a cow) could help???!?!?!? our contract is ending end of august . . . .so lotsa time but we dont like to cram, ryt?
saturday = work = shit.
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
WHaT iF?
what if i was a chef?
what if i was a writer?
what if i killed someone before?
what if girls grow testicles?
these are the few questions that glazed my brain while i was on a bus going home today. i could be a number of things that question my commitment as to how long i would stay in my chosen career. i know someday i will get bored and hearing rumors or stories about people leaving does me no good. maybe someday soon i could just hand in my resignation and get my revenge. being left behind is always hard for me to take.
anyways, it has been a fun day watching people ache their whole day out. from walking to simply bending down, i dunno how to react whether i should pity them or just roll on the floor laughing. forgive me sisters but you are all hilarious.
hell week started and today is a warm up. remember, every smile i see because i am working x's a lot this week equals bad karma. you just count. ill smile back (learned voodoo last week).
what if i sleep now?
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
no, its not a toilet sign. its how i describe this night shift of mine. yawn. i am tempted not to write about it since its just plain boring and whining content. then why not write, i asked myself. i was tempted to look for a mirror and ask myself personally.
kriiiiiiing!!!!. can someone pick up the fone?
if i have a promise to break. this is it. i miss blogging about mojo jojo. saw her on tv today. arts central. dammit. day ruined. a seemingly harmless cartoon made by nice people now have malicious meaning attached to it. forever it will bear the stain of having mental conditions even a martian would find it mysterious. saw her dancing at my workplace last friday. i got a witness, the great ah lian herself. using out peripheral vision we saw this "cannot-be-understood figure" slowly using at first a leg, like drawing something on the floor, then followed by the torso, moving forward and back then sideways. its like those alien movies you see where humans try to communicate with aliens with body language. i was holding my breath the whole time. but managed to keep our composures as if we have class. ryt GM?
(announcing) CAN I GO HOME NOW? (X3)(HAND RAISED CLOSE TO THE EAR). twirly twirly twirl.......
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Friday, June 6, 2008
been a helluva day yesterday. . . went to work full day with only a couple of hours snooze time. felt like a zombie. felt like i was a ghost. lucky to have ah lian around. kept me busy. kept me entertained.
why izzit huh? why is it that when i work full day, i suffer. but when i work 8 hours and you're the full day, i still suffer?" - grandmaster ah lian ping ping.
well what can i say to that? i have my own shares of bad karma. im too busy understanding it not to answer your enigmas in life.
just finished my csmls (cant study, more like shit) exam. fair to say that its not as bad as i imagined it. well maybe because i could see and feel that i didnt look as frustrated as lacey and piglet when i came out of mother hen's crib. well, im just happy now that i could care less about studying some more. i think i could pass. i know i had more than 18 right answers there. . . i hope.
thanks for my GAP shirts my love. just came today. now my wardrobe seems packed to the rafters. i need some cleaning up to do. dinner tonight is baboy afritada. i love you.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
1/2 PaSSeD!
my luck haven't run out yet. im so happy to receive such a news today. i passed my competency exam right down the line! passing mark is 40, and i got 40! whew. im so proud of my shitty brain nowadays. rusty but capable. i do hope it will continue till tomolo. so morale-lowering comments i heard today. the seniors took their exams and they look like spoilt eggs afterwards. like life has been drained from their very faces. how can u guys inspire those whom you preceed? now im scared. i dunno if i can sleep later thinking of flunking. "don't go into a battle if you know you don't have the smallest chance of winning". well, im going to a fight in which i have no idea what my opponent is like. it's no use now whining "i should have done this", "i should've studied earlier". its not fun to tell yourself its ok to fail since everyone seems to fail. life sux. i sucketh the mostest.
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Monday, June 2, 2008
Cant Study, More Like Shit. thats what it stands like. i hope all you guys agree. shitty coz i dont understand some of it. shitty coz im not used to study anymore. shitty coz i got no appetite to even look at the notes. maybe im the one who's shitty.
4 hours of sleep and drowsy, still have to do house chores. change beddings, wash clothes, rub cats belly, pick up dogs hair and eat instant noodles for lunch. looking forward for my day off tomorrow. happy working
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
i did not need to die yesterday. i was well and ok. i survived despite of the stress that was building up till saturday. too bad for all those hecklers . . may you have all your bad karmas soon!
i can't wait till july. i can't wait till june is over. my schedule sux and the one who made it is my guardian devil. X,8,X,off,X,off,X. ....u angry wif me?!?!?
i miss the mangoes. i miss the buko halo. i miss the pampering. i wish my wife could go with me. its still not too late to change your mind y'know.
i hate nyt shifts!
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TRIVIA: what do you call a MAN, who's GENTLE and WRITES NEATLY, who doesn't give a damn if its a FAKE, SOFT SPOKEN and think its OK to have SAGGING BREASTS (all written here are in its opposite) ???
ANSWER: -- --- ----.
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