Wednesday, April 16, 2008


wife got sick. woke up with wife still in bed. wife complain of backaches. me call bts. me have to take urgent leave. me woke up and send wife with backache to clinic. wife can barely walk. people think me abuse wife. wife gets a lil better after clinic visit. ok ok . .enough with the tarzan talk. well, that sums up my day yesterday. im sorry to mdm ooi to be activated and missed an appointment. well, what can i say, u win some, u lose some.

watched a dvd last night. was surprised to see a nice movie though i never heard any good reviews about it. maybe its my wife. snuggling cozily while we watched. and for those who haven't seen it yet, u better. here are some quotes stuck to my head from the movie.

Girl Patient: My mom's last boyfriend was bald. He was nice, but she didn't marry
Kate: No?
Girl Patient: There's always something better coming around the corner. That's what
she says...
Kate: If she's not careful, she can spend her whole life waiting.

Alex: [voice over] How's your sunset?
Kate: It's perfect.
Alex: I only wish you were here to share it with me.

Kate: One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to.
watch one. learn one. teach one.

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