Sunday, April 13, 2008


APPENDIX : A narrow, elongated tube closed at one end, extending from the cecum, a blind pocket off the first part of the large intestine. It is found in only a few mammals. The size and detailed structure of the appendix vary markedly, depending on the species and the age of the individual. Most reptiles, birds, and mammals have a single or a paired cecum at the anterior end of the large intestine, but it is quite rare that this cecum has a thinner projection or true appendix.

POSE: To assume or hold a particular position or posture, as in sitting for a portrait.

now, do you know where im getting at? THUS THE APPENDIX POSE IS BORN! (thanks to joseph for the invention!)

watch one. learn one. teach one.


Anonymous said...

Imagine lying down and doing the "appendix pose"? D dudette will look like as if she wanna go for a "poo" Wakakakakakaka :D

Bansoy Diesto said...

dont talk back about you-know-who, it is proven that he who shalt talk back to thee, will get bad karma. u see, arsenal lost. wekekekekeke