Thursday, April 24, 2008


this question might be routinely asked everyday by common people across the globe but in my workplace, it has been one of the most annoying thing you hear everyday.
ivan, are you ok? . . .geez . . if you only know.
there are two types of answers to this questions. one is to answer yes and hope thats the end of it. the other is no, where we try not to say even if its the truth, for the fear of getting another question thus prolonging the conversation hence prolonging the suffering, the anguish, the agony etc etc . . .
honestly though, if i was asked this question this week, i would probably say no. im upset to be honest. maybe this is my karma. or maybe my whole life is a bad karma coz maybe i was evil in my past life (as a cockroach).tsk tsk tsk. but don't get me wrong. i won't buy kfc to all who'se reading this crap.
if life is a wheel, maybe im at the bottom. hell yes i am! and im just a tini tiny bit happy coz i have no other way to go but up. like what lacey my friend said, its better to be on cloud zero than in cloud nine coz there's no other way but up. i just hope i could climb fast enuf tho.
the night's not bad. just a single call asking for an xray report. random stupid nurse on duty maybe. so boring. even the ward 3b porter/janitor zhang is sleeping while waiting for a couple of albumins in our window.
ill try not to bitch anymore. i could talk about it forever and it gets redundant. dont ask me why it took me so long to give up. maybe im just evil. maybe im a liar. maybe im full of shit. yup, i think i was born to piss the world off.
im talking crap again.
watch one. learn one. teach one.

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