Tuesday, October 7, 2008


it is often associated with a bitter realization that you shouldn't have bragged your way out to be on top or to success. humility is only recognized when you are at the bottom and have looked back where you stumbled. tsk tsk tsk.
i could only shake my head at the moment. certain things going on in my life right now makes me wonder people with proper education and potentially good people can, could, and would prefer to be stupid. who was that guy who once said, "blessed are those who are humble in spirit for they will inherit the kingdom of heaven"??? oh, a certain Jesus Christ right? and to know that these people i know are "righteous" and" God-fearing" catholics makes me wanna commit suicide.
there is a saying in the philippines that those people who tend to be so proud of themselves can pee higher than anyone else. well, in this case i don't want to compete with . i could buy 6-inch nails and pin myself to the ground and a small sized helmet so that my head wouldnt grow bigger.

arrogance, assertiveness, egoism, pretentiousness, pride, self-importance.

shit is on your head.

watch one. learn one. teach one.

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