it has been a while now. i mean me being hooked up with this series "house". at first, with all thine honesty, when i was still watching grey's anatomy, i thought this was a dull, corny type of a series centered to one miserable cripple. funny coz i do see myself as one hell of a miserable guy myself. more like greg.
"the great thing about you is you always think you are right, and its frustrating coz most of the time you are right. . . "
jeez. i got hit in the jaw. watching it in my omnia in a train full of sleepy people gave me enough time to laugh. not at what im watching but i laughed at myself. yep. myself. the miserably arrogant and conceited SOB of singapore. i know lots of people agree with this theory (or reality). i am even one of them.
anyways, bitchin' and cursin' aside, or wait, i do wanna curse and bitch and slap people at work for being asses. mooooosaaahhh .. . .moooosaaahhhh . .. . grrrrrr. iknow, i know, its not nice to be not nice coz if you are not nice you will have no presents from santa. santa is gay.
up yours, if you are reading this.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
GReG HouSe
Monday, October 27, 2008
it was fate. even the waitress' name makes it sound that 'twas fate.
the cavern is a small i-dunno-what-their-specialty resto smacked in the middle of boat quay. i do think on normal weekdays you can count more flies in there than people, but i say, when its a weekend where liverpool plays, even the street cant be passed by without a little "excuse me" here and there.
i brought my wife to watch the game tonight and boy we were not disappointed. even the peanuts tasted 5 star. lolz. i was not aware i was with my wife half of the time. xabi alonso, you are damn lucky.
"walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart . . . ."
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Monday, October 20, 2008
No ReaSoN FoR BoReDoM
i love peanuts. not the cartoon/comic strip. plain, salted, sugarcoated peanuts.
i hate peanuts too. it made my tummy ache yesterday and result, sick leave. im sorry LWY. i dont think that you miss work so much that you get to be activated. not my fault. blame the peanuts.
all by myself again for the day. and for tomorrow. im sick of folding newly washed clothes. can't even push myself to iron them. but i have to. even if the peanuts planned a coup d' etat in my gastro intestinal system.
to the real tek inventors and manufacturers, go find something new and something useful to do. your audio and wireless systems SUCK!!!!!!!
i hate vista.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
MoNTHLiVeRSaRY . . .
its depressing. to learn that one could think of leaving just because of a shallow piece of thought. an irritation. a human irritation. thinking about it, it makes me smile and squirm at the same time. funny coz you are old enough to know things and experienced enough to be reliable yet agonizing to look at coz you couldnt be depended on. are you a child that can do your work one at a time? you have two hands, two ears, a mouth, and a big brain sitting on top of your shoulder. USE all of it. its not an excuse if you are on the phone that you should ignore a porter waiving request papers in your face and pretend you don't see them. its not an excuse that you get to choose what you want to do. its not an excuse to be lazy nor ignorant.
well, its my monthliversary and yet here i am, complaining how life is treating me badly. sometimes it makes you wanna puke coz you feel generous at times that you just say yes to people's request or favors in changing shifts yet on the very day that you are looking forward to celebrate with your wife, then they won't let you. they will change the sked because its just convinient. do i have to be selfish from now on? give me a reason why can't i?time to curse!
shitty days with shitty people makes me wanna crap at my pants. feels like hell and im holding a fan trying to stop the flame but actually making it bigger. to hell with the bad ones and kudos to the good ones. even the server is shitty. labo smelled shit. hcll is shit. thanks for the headache asswipes!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
KaBLaM, KaPoW, KaPoW!!!
when was that when i was talking about humility and how important is it to be humble? bah. the higher you climb, the louder the sound when you fall. its about time.
finally, i could spend time with my wife alone. now that in-laws went home and all things settled, normal hell could follow. tolerable hell. maybe not. a purgatory.
it has been a week now without 8 hours of sleep. so tired. eyes could barely open.
mocha is again having her period. sigh. buy more mop heads and dog shampoo.
more things to download. i thought i finished arranging my macau, hongkong and formula 1 pics and forgot about those things in my handphone!
new people renting another room in my house. adjustment period. hope they are nice. they look nice. they talk nice. (fingers crossed.)
so sad to hear lola's news today. anyways, all the best to you. you were right with what u said when you were training me. there is no one else. . . . .
tummy grumbling . . .lunch!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
MaCau aS PRoMiSeD!
welcome to macau . . arrived in a very humid day on my birthday . . wished it was colder . . i never meant that i wanted a typhoon to chase us . . .
this is the Fisherman's wharf . .. i dunno why its called fisherman's wharf. i did not see anybody fishing there and definitely its not a wharf coz not a single boat was on its dock! well, it does have gardens . . .
and what does a volcano and a chinese fortress doing in there? i also dont know . .its well made though, i just dont understand its purpose . . .built near the Sands Casino too . ..
i didnt expect that being a chaperon to a bunch of oldies could be as challenging as guiding little kiddies. anyways we do have our fair share of childhood moments. (i promised my wife for our next trip it would be "us" only.)
as you can see, they are trying to bring different places in the world to fit in 5 football fields, in other words, go to macau and you feel like you've gone around the world (it sux) . .
macau is known for its casino's not this stupid theme park! it looks like toa payoh on a weekday and on weekends, toa payoh got more people walking around!
this is what macau is known for. neon lights in the evening. an eden for gamblers. lucky for us to witness some fireworks display too. hey singapore, what do you think about their bridges?
this is another part of macau that i like. the Senado Square. those people that goes to macau without the mindset to gamble will be found mostly in this place. it also leads to the famous ruins of st paul's cathedral . . . enjoy....
i came to macau for this. enuf said.
the macau tower. standing over 200 meters, is the world's tallest free fall adventure drop. thats what they claim.
and why would you go to macau and never step into casinos just for curiousity's sake? especially the Venetian? the closest you can get while not going physically to italy. take note of the ceiling, its painted blue like the sky. all of my pics inside the venetian are taken at night!good food, luxurious place. only regret is that i donated 20 hongkong dollars in their slot machines. yes, they have lots of slot machines and slut machines too! how much was it ralph? 1k for a massage?
and then some . .. .it wouldnt be my blog without some fun . . .
some random walkabout pics around macau . . hope u'll travel with me soon . . up next...HONGKONG!
wahahahaha . .bwahahahaha . . .wahahahahahaha. . . hwahahahahaha. . bwahahahahahahaha. . . . . *cough* *cough* . . .. bwahahahahahahahahahaha . . . . .