you can make a government fall down with a pen. you can kill a person with a pin. you can really move mountains with your brain. BUT..... with what's in front of the "tall one" is one BIG exception. i dont doubt ewik's capabilities. i do believe he could talk and persuade people. but its not him who has the problem. its the other party. so all of you reading this blog and hoping some success would breed after tonight, be prepared to be disappointed. ill play like a football punter tonight. odds: 365,763,203 gazzillion to 1. ill bet my dog, my cat and my tigger stuff toy. lolz. keep dreaming.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
2001,taken when i just graduated from college. botak like im ready to be hanged . .
this was 2003, 2 years away from my mom = no nagging and no barber in sight . . my first cornrow!
2008, had a freaky, wicked, nasty facelift gone bad... hehehe . .i look worse in person
just found some old pics . . . enjoy slamming me when you see these . .
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
gotta rest now. finally achieved a well deserved day off. so sick of receiving fone calls and babysitting nurses without common sense. it has been a happy day though. workin with the power puff gurls with nonestop whining and complaining of a "phenomenon" they cannot understand. whew. WHEN WILL IT EVER END?
hey meow, just a reminder, you are an OLD maid.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
WiSHiN' N' HoPiN
please make me sick. . . please make me sick . . . please make me sick!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Answer: _ _ _ _ _ .
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
why would someone invent something that tastes like rotten food? i hate yogurt (sorry wabs). try cooking something with tomatoes, leave it in your dining table overnight and eat it the following day. it tastes and smell like yogurt ryt? yuck.
anyways, had an interesting day so far. first time in my career as a bloodbanker to receive notices as many as 3 patients dying. a lot of things returned. even a soaking wet transfusion slip that looks like a soggy tissue paper! aiyo...yo yo... yo yo.
we were entertained also by a shouting match in which the whole lab can hear. the distance of these 2 people is about a foot apart yet they seem not to hear each other! was hoping that it will end up in a scratching or a boxing match but we were disappointed. mother hen, uncle TA and me wanna have a wager who will win. too bad it didn't last very long. about 15 mins of selling themselves who is more brave than the other. (i think its not brave, it was stupid!)
well, i hope my next sat would be better than this. better like i must die before saturday and comeback to life sunday morning. just erase next saturday in chunky's book of life. i wont mind losing one day. one saturday. because if i dont die before saturday, ill surely get killed!.lolz. thou shalt pray for me ye kind souls!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

well, i got nothing much to say. that is because i bitch so much these days and my blog has nothing inside but what i bitch about and i promised not to bitch coz bitching causes you bad karma and bitches are for girls only! there are no guy bitches. unless the guy wears a skirt or cuts his testicles off! my gosh, maybe im gay after all!
though i heard from a friend that someone cursed and used some foul words in bts today. thats juicy enough. the person who told me left me hanging though. she'll receive bad karma for doing that. and for the "tall one", i wish you will be successful on the 30th. may you find the right words, advice, encouragement, axe, hammer, nuclear warhead er (getting carried away) to finish what you intend to do. remember your 1 week free lunch much more your treat if you fail us. (personally, im building a statue for you if you will succeed, will put it near tan tock sengs bust in the museum).
%$#@!*&%! <----- im cursing this night. and for all busy nights. watch one. learn one. teach one.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
i overheard someone that she's going to bukit timah to find peace and serenity. i was duped, beguiled, tricked, fooled coz i believed. huhuhu . . .i didnt find peace , , , nor was serenity. this is all i got.
1) aching body
2) sore heel
3) worn shoes
4) afflicting shoulders
5) buckets of sweat
6) lost calories
as you can see, no peace and no serenity.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
am going out for a walk tomorrow . . .some kind of a nature tripping gig . . gonna take pics and hone my skills in photography . . .i just finished cleaning my lenses and dammit, found a very tiny speck of dust in my viewfinder and i cant get it out . . tsk. . .anyways. . .i hope it will not rain tomorrow . .i need the sun to have nice good pics early in the morning. . . .
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welcome back to hell.
thats how i felt since 9pm last night. so damn busy. lucky though not to have stupid nurses to work with. transfusion reactions can really ruin a peaceful night. "hey lola, when i came in to work, i noticed you look different. you look like a starved leopard ready to shred someone into bits!" (i was smiling at the back when i checked if the temp was taken oredi or not). I PITY YOU. and all of the victims.hey guys, i promised not to bitch yet i have a very funny story to tell. i cant control my fingers, i have to let it out. mrs chunky went to the gym one night to join some body pump class. when she finished, she went to the locker room and prepared to go for a shower before going home. upon reaching the locker room, she saw a squid talking to 2 mermaids. they talk in a language mrs chunky couldn't understand. it sounded mandarin (lolz). without the purpose of eavesdropping (ahem), she overheard them. after a few minutes, the squid said goodbye and went off strutting and twirling. funny coz mrs chunky was curious about the mermaid's reaction after the squid left. in a language that mrs chunky can now understand (maybe it was english), one of the mermaid said, "she's a bit blurred, huh?". tsk tsk tsk. mrs chunky cant wait to tell her husband and took out her fone.
maybe this is karma again. i was out of the lab for more than a week and almost 2 weeks of night-less shift. i feel sleepy since 6pm yesterday. my eyes are redder than usual. my legs are cramping. i feel like im irritated of all small mistakes.
(sounds like a girl in her period huh?) i don't know. i want to start doing useful things like iron clothes, csmls review or start with my case study yet i dont have the will to start it. i dont even have the kindness to walk my dog at night. what is wrong with me?
i must solve this urgently. im sorry borj. im failing . . .im failing . .
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
GRrRrRrRrrr . . .
no, im not a dog. im just having a wonderful, head spinning head ache.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
it has been a week now and my siesta time is almost over . . . thats all i got to say ..
happy mother's day mommy. happy mother's day nanay. happy mother's day mama.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
2 days and im already bored. wake up. copi, lunch, tv, chores, blog, tv. i can summarize 24 hours in 8 words. multiply it by 8 and thats it. thats what my week is all about. tried teaching my dog a trick but i dont have cookies or treats. wanna go to have a haircut but its gloomy and looks like its going to rain. want to play with my cat yet he never comes near me. my sanity is at stake here. it is not what i imagined. maybe ill just go for a swim, buy pizza and drink booze.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Monday, May 5, 2008
the feeling you get when its your last day of work and you know the following day will be a day without stupid calls, no buzzers, no e-bloods, no W-O-R-K!
this blog is dedicated to the persevering, courageous, industrious and efficient people of tan tock seng blood bank. enjoy working guys.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
8 days without work seems i've got plenty of time to burn. getting my inspiration comes with everyday punches i receive from my life. and for me its like one big giant wok, awaiting for things to be cooked and here are some of those salt and pepper that flavors my life.
(DISCLAIMER: The events depicted in this nonsense are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental)
NaMe: MoTHeR HeN
RoLe: To LaYeTH THiNe eGGS
aBiLiTieS: can make SOP's in 10 seconds. can write tirelessly on our whiteboard. can send you to the usa, canada or bali in an instant.
NaMe: MoTHeR SuPeRioR
RoLe: Da uLTiMaTe TRaiNoR
aBiLiTieS: can shout effortlessly. works like a horse. claims to know how to drive (lolz).
NaMe: MaDeLiNe
RoLe: iNVeNToRY GuRu
aBiLiTieS: can sit in front of the pc for hours without blinking. can work without talking too. can eat a lot without even gaining weight.
aBiLiTieS: makes or breaks your month with the monthly roster. can save paper all year long. hates plants thats why she eats them. makes shrimp, scallops and crabs feel safer. always have no time to do "other" things.
NaMe: Da TaLL oNe
aBiLiTieS: cannot!.......toilet!.......cannot! . . . . .toilet! . . . can change monthly temp charts without the help of a stool. can change radio channel without the stool. can buy chicken rice every wednesday too!
NaMe: MoJo JoJo
RoLe: ( i DoNT uNDeRSTaND )
aBiLiTieS: can work barebacked. always sees to it that every one is ok and always ask if we are hungry. can sneak up and open facebook without detection during office hours. always ready to go home.
RoLE: Be aN eViL CaT
aBiLiTies: jekyll and hyde personality. mischievous beyond the innocent appearance. power puff gurls deadly killer. a little BIG sister. a workhorse. a workcat. luckiest of us all when it comes to nytshifts.
RoLe: To Be The uLTiMaTe aH LiaN
aBiLiTieS: can scare nurses with a voice and tone which can scare you to the bones. a.k.a. the grandmaster. small in stature but can work like a big person. never wear dresses. please buy her a 2 piece bikini or a nice sunday dress. most of the time wears black, grey or other gangster colors. totally different from her" bubbly" name. ping ping ping ping!!!
aBiLiTieS: does everything royally. irons socks and underwear. if you ask her to "pull up her socks or buckle up", she would tell you she never wear socks. can have a phone bill of over 1k yet never pays using her own money. talks nonstop even we are busy. can laugh at the slightest issue. has a twin sister. (i wish she was not from my hometown, regrets, regrets regrets)
NaMe: MDM ooi!
aBiLiTieS: doesn't know how the earth was formed coz its not important to her. mastered the art of "staring". slow to react on my jokes. quiet yet packs a powerful evil punch. a milder version of her twin royal sis " the dabi-nator". christened uncle ah kaw as "lolence" or "lowland" or whatever. multilingual yet short tongued. (forgive me madam)
NaMe: RauLeNCe TSoNG aH KaW
RoLe: To SuRViVe 6 MoNTHs iN BTS
aBiLiTieS: unique ability to ward off irritants b'coz of his high titer of anti-MJ ( a unique newcomer antibody, mine wore off after 3 months only). quiet, body becomes rigid like a statue and turns red if you make him laugh.
as you can see, life may throw you into a pool of shit, but sometimes the shit got salt and pepper to flavor it and make it a little less stinky. i dunno if its a blessing or a punishment but i do know that with this bunch, i've found a comfortable place to work.
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only the brave will succeed. we were brave.
scousers still rule the world. well, in my heart, they still are.
i just dont understand why rafa has to get el nino out?
anyways, life is like a box of chocolates. u wont know if its expired if you dont check the labels.
watch one. learn one. teach one.