Sunday, July 13, 2008

TiMe oFF

i know . .. i know . . .

it has been a while since i tapped the keyboard instead of letting it go through my mouth. 2 weeks? was that long? well, i could somehow summarize two weeks into 2000 words.

finally i succomb to the power of spousal nagging (married guys should understand this). yes, poor old chunky in danger of losing assets in the future. i signed up with california fitness not to see jackie chan but for the purpose of making my wife stop nagging me. first 2 days was hell. literally HELL for my body and mind. after my last seesion, it still feel like hell. arms, butt, abs, legs, thighs. also, earlobes, little finger and nosehairs. they all hurt.

we also have been slowly moving out from our old dump to a new one. (to those i owe money, i dont live in upper serangoon no more this august owkay? so start collecting money!). never in my life i renovated a house. painting walls (including ourselves), re varnishing furnitures, fixing kitchens and bathrooms etc etc. im in a wrong line of work.

i have mixed emotions in leaving singapore for my hometown this saturday. im happy to finally have 2 weeks of rest yet life will not be happy without my wife beside me. its just too bad that i got more off days than her. so she must save those for other trips of ours this coming september.

work is still work. nothing much to talk about. MJ got bF. so wtf? no big deal. this types of news are no news to me anymore. what affects me now is the thought of people leaving and it makes me down. feels like i wanna leave too before them. its always easy to leave than to be left behind. my father knows about it first hand. for 14 years he would leave us every 4 months. and when he retired and i went home, upon going back to singapore, the old man went teary eyed. my mum just smiled and understood what pops experienced. i know life is just. and i know life is unfair.

so my apologies homo -sapiens, -erectuses, -sexuals. i abandoned you for 2 weeks. promise, ill never do that. .....ill abandone you longer. (enter demon marching song)bwahahahaha . . .

watch one. learn one. teach one.

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