this is how my day went . . slept until 12 noon . . . cooked lunch for my house mates with my left hand (btw, my right pinkie is still injured) . . watched tv until 2 pm . . played my psp till my wife came home . . watched her sleep for an hour . .bathed and prepared to make a big hole to my pocket coz wifey has to go to the body shop sale . . so happy to see that the line was sooooooooo long and so crowded so she decided to back out and do window shop instead . .wahoooo . . so we went to marina square and looked for shoes . . its this time of the year when impulse gets on my wife and she just had to buy new shoes . .sexy shoes rather for her skinny jeans . . we saw lots of sexy shoes . . then off we went to the only filipino restaurant in the cbd area where the service was the slowest ever . . and this is what we got!!
"relyenong manok" (its like chicken cordon bleu), "binagoongang lechon kawali" (crispy pork with shrimp paste, and "halo-halo" (super supreme ice kachang, just look at the ingridients on the pic) . . .im stuffed! im sleepy and im working night shift. and i have to see voldy today. what a bummer.
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
7107 iSLaNDS
Friday, March 21, 2008
literally. friday is good. end of the week. end of my week. 3 days of rest.
my mom used to tell us that we should be extra careful during the Holy Week especially friday afternoon till sunday morning. the reason being Jesus died and nobody's watching over us. she even scared us by telling us if we do have scratches and gashes from playing rough, it wouldn't heal for a year! pls, don't tell her that it worked. she did scare us. a little.
had bizkitz again during my break. had also a biscuit the size of a plate, a rice biscuit from a korean shop down at square2. courtesy of fung fan (am i spelling her name correctly?) and my faithful bottle of coke!
here i am again watching endless movies from crunchyroll, surfing all facts i can muster for my ubin retreat, and fighting a losing battle to sleepyness.
damn you HCLL. i dont understand why you regurgitate all this orders! i almost had a quiet night! now my eyes are sore coz i have to edit and cancel all duplicates that you made! if you are human, ill pluck all your nose hairs and kick you in the shin till you have enough tears flowing from your eyes to wet your shirt and underwear too!
watch one. learn one. teach one.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Holy Week is the last week of Lent. Holy Week observances began in Jerusalem in the earliest days of the Church, when devout people traveled to Jerusalem at Passover to reenact the events of the week leading up to the Resurrection.The purpose of Holy Week is to reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ. The week starts on Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday), the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. The disciples arranged for the Passover meal, which took place after sundown on Thursday. We might call it Friday Eve, because by Jewish reckoning, the day begins with the previous sunset. That’s why we call 24 December “Christmas Eve.” Jesus and the disciples ate the Passover in the upper room. They ate it early, which was not uncommon. In that era, most Passover Seders did not include lamb, because most Jews lived too far away from the Temple to obtain a lamb that was kosher for Passover. Therefore the disciples, who were from Galilee, would have been accustomed to a Passover Seder without lamb. Judas left during the meal. Jesus and the remaining disciples adjourned to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed and the disciples kept falling asleep. Judas arrived to betray Jesus, who spent the rest of the night being tried by the Sanhedrin and by Pilate. The following morning, which was still the same day by Jewish reckoning, the Crucifixion significantly took place just as the Passover lambs were being slaughtered in the Temple.Later the disciples realized that in giving them the bread and pronouncing it His body, Jesus Himself had been the Passover lamb at the Last Supper. Thus Jesus, our Passover lamb, was sacrificed for our sins on Passover, and His blood protects us from the angel of death.Jesus died on the cross and was buried before sunset. So Friday was first day that Jesus lay in the tomb. Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath. According to Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1-3, and Luke 23:56-24:3, the day before the Resurrection was a Sabbath. This is the second day that Jesus lay in the tomb. On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave. It was the first day of the week and the day after the Sabbath.
just for your info . . . . . peace be with all of you.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"he always lies! how can u tell if he's telling the truth or he's lying?"
kapow! kablam kablam! . . .tsk tsk tsk. that hurt.
this will be the day i start to think before i talk and choose people i'd be talking to. the only thing i regret is that i trusted so much. now i know that sacrificing myself as a clown did me no good.
no hard feeling's huh? BS.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
some good soul provided us with much needed music today . .courtesy of this little jukebox . . hahaha . .so surprised to see such a small 1950's cassette player . . i still don't understand how they put all the blame on us playing music through the internet radio while upon testing the computer's speed with music playing and without music playing got nothing much difference? maybe they think people working in the lab is stupid enough to believe all nerdy reasons they give. its just that maybe they are not competent enough to solve the program's problems. anyways, lets just have a toast to our newest member of the bts family. F U LIS!
F U, F U, FFFFFFFFFFF UUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!so good . . no royal partner here, out for her royal lunch. ate her royal break an came back to work royally full. not much of a royal day at work. so royally boring. stocks came early and her royal stock guy friend came before 11am! so royally prompt. royal highness is working today as well as tomorrow. she's royally hardworking. like a real royal princess. a royal model. shhh . .royal highness might come back soon and catch me blogging. better finish so tat my royal ass wont be spanked to the royal oblivion. (my tongue got twisted while composing this nonsense)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
just had my break. thanks to chef bee chu for the toasted chicken nuggets. so healthy coz no oil was used. duh! thats why its called toasted! and also my gratitude extends to the person who brought the seaweed bizkits, i luv them. now is the time i dread the most. 4 to 6 in the morning. so quiet even alan nor emily is asleep! i look around and and tried finding things to improve and all i do is vandalize patient's worksheets or draw silly things on the wytbord. im bored. maybe i need to jog a few rounds. or just sit in front of the platelet agitator and let myself be hypnotized by its swaying movements from left to right.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
From a simple clinical view, the heart would outrank the brain.
some people say its the brain coz it controls most of your bodily functions, even when you feel something, you have to think first before sometimes. clinicians would debate this topic by saying the heart can go on even without a viable brain like in a coma. but in a comic strip "peanuts", while snoopy was jogging,all his body parts were arguing who is more important. the heart has the last laugh by saying, " remember boys, if i go, you all go". but what makes the heart beat? who controls it? if its strength, the heart is the strongest muscle of the body. if its power, the brain will always win. u be the judge.
all this mushy, yucky, colorful topic was brought about by some juicy things happening to my world lately. just a simple force called "love" stirred the most stable foundations of the place i worked in. i feel guilty though. i dunno how to put my feelings in place. would i be happy for the person in love or would i be cautioning her not to really put a lot in to it. or maybe im just happy for the entertainment it brings. the latter is the most scary of all.
one 54 year old married lady, one politics-internet crazy brother, 3 attached sisters, 1 engaged feline, 2 single, free spirited ladies and a socially challenged-in-love-for-the-first-time voldemort. and im in the middle of it. whew.
to the one i've chatted just now, just ponder on this. "true love doesn't have a happy nor sad ending. its just that it has no ending." thats what i have right now.
christine fiscal diesto. luv u borj.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
thats eye twitching for ya! . . darn . . saturday . .whole day working . . my wife went shopping alone. . .got my eyes twitching again . . .2 nights with 4+ hours of sleep onli . . .so sleepy now . . .wanna go break and drink my copi . . .i wish all the people in da world now who's resting will have back aches, head aches, tummy aches, finger aches, sore throat, sore knees, sore hairs etc etc . . except for those whom i love . . hwehehehehe . . .yasai!!!!!
Blepharospasm is the technical term for involuntary eye twitching (eye spasms). Blepharospasm is more specifically defined as an abnormal involuntary blinking or spasm of the eyelids.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
MuSiCiNMYHeaD . . .
Just what is it in me?
Sometimes I just don't know
What keeps me in Your love,
Why you never let me go
And though you're in me now,
I fall and hurt you still
My Lord, please show me how
To know just how you feel
You have forgiven me
Too many times it seems
I feel I'm not what you might call
A worthy Christian after all
And though I love You so
Temptation finds its way to me
Teach me to trust in You
With all my heart
To lean not on my own understanding
I just forget
You won't give me what I can't bear
Take me out of the dark, my Lord
I don't wanna be there
You've never left my side
You gave Your hand to me to hold
Oh Jesus, I'm no longer in the cold
And yet, I leave You there
When I feel satisfied
I'd like to thank You every day
Not only when I feel that way
I've never known a Man
Who'd give His life for sinners like me
And yet, because He loves us so
He's promised us eternity
And we can have that promise
And be His if we have faith
And just believe
Teach us to trust in you
With all my heart
To lean not on my own understanding
We just forget
You won't give us what we can't bear
Take us out of the dark, My Lord
'Cause we don't want to be alone
Take me out of the dark, My Lord
We don't wanna be there, My Lord
Trust in You with all my heart
Lean not on my own understanding
I just forget
You won't give me what I can't bear
Take me out of the dark, My Lord
Cause we don't want to be alone
Take me out of the dark, My Lord
I don't want to be there
Monday, March 3, 2008
any sugges tions as how to find a terror ist? . . .hmmmn . . .maybe we should have a campaign here in singa pore.another one coz i think its the government's most effective weapon in administering discipline here in singapore. ill call it "shave all you can" campaign . . a terrorist never shaves. he dislikes shaving. hehehehe. found a photo that could help this killer. though i was quick enough to shave so that i wont be mistaken . . .hahahaha . . .i despise terrorists like cockroaches. they are cowards. ask osama to be in the boxing ring with me. no rules. just plain fistfight . . .tsk tsk tsk . . .