Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Is the nursing profession a joke? what are the qualifications of being a nurse? how come all the nurses tonight have a combined IQ of 200 (shared by 100 of them). tsk. i really tried to be kind. i did try my best. poor thing, the most stupid got the worst. sigh. i know being smart is not my asset nor being a genius at birth. but how can you explain that this profession, the profession of caretakers, seemed to forget how to care for their brains? how many times do you need to explain over the phone the same line or sentences before it can penetrate? how can you say "J" for Germany? is it the same when i say "G" for Japan? does half an hour mean 30 min to you or something else? how the hell would i know who the hell is in bed 135 ( wow, 2 hells)? do you think that the bloodbank employs psychics? every person has two hands, the left and the right, hold them er . . . why would you send a porter to get blood for more than 2 patients without a trolley? do you also think that they were employed for they were circus performers before? how can u ask for blood if you haven't had a reservation or standby and argue that it's our fault if the patient suffer? how can you not order in advance if you know that you need it at a specific time? how can you send samples like a drop of blood and expect us to do? how can you collect blood and yet tick another thing? how can you order FFP or CSP and at the same time don't know what that means? i can fill a long list of stupidity and my blog be called stupidy central for cryin out loud. c'mon! again one more time, C'MON!!! the brain is located inside the head above your shoulder for aesthetic purpose? or it's just a mushy, slimy, twisty organ that is of no use?
Disclaimer: this doesn't apply to my nurse friends....
Fact: Med tech's arch enemy - N_friekin'_urses!

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