happy birthday to you mookie . . .still remember the skinny cream colored retriever who never left my side the day i adopted you. nearly quarrelled with your mom coz she want me to wait another day to get you . .it was love at first sight you see . . she doesn't understand us . . i love you mocha . . . lolz . . .we shall feast tonight i promise . . ill buy a big pork knuckle and all for ya . . i can also buy a cake if you want . . . .
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
bwahahahahaha . . .finally got myself a gift . . .sony 80 gigabyte playstation 3 invaded my life . . .though i dunno if it would make my life better or worse . .i think its the latter . .. i have this compulsive disorder that i must play first before i can sleep . .then i must win when i play before i go to sleep . its getting worse by the day . . .i am even thinking about it now! i didnt play last night coz i needed to sleep early coz im working today! my goodness! whats happening to me! i need help!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
finally . . .2 nyt shifts are over. can relax for 2 weeks . . goodness! a night full of HCLL shit. the stupid system was down for 2 hours and nurses somehow knew that ill be in trouble if they start ordering. guess what happened? they did! it was a headache writing stuff manually and trying to remember what to do when the system is up. tsk tsk tsk . . i have luck. no good luck but bad ones. seems that it always fall on my nyt shifts. i wonder why . . hey piglet, are you punishing me on purpose? i hate you. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
life's shitty at the moment. dunno what to do. seems that things happen without any logical reason. at least no logical reason for me. it difficult to be in a situation that you are always in the middle where parties wants you to choose which side you must be on . .when is past called past? when can you accept what happened in the past and move on to the future? when can you believe that the past won't do anymore damage as long as you know and learned from it? why cant you stand by each other and not be affected by this nonsense once and for all?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
i really dont understand that last week, i was really craving and looking forward for my 2 consecutive off days since i was working 7 consecutive straight. now in my second day of rest, i feel tired and bored and restless and shitty and sigh. do men really get pms? what does it stand for? bweset.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
really funny. to see these homo sapiens having headaches trying to shop for gifts. they might be even have grudges against me for having such a problematic suggestion on how to make our christmas in the bank more fun. instead they are in a situation where they worry what to give everyday. my monita doesnt know she's the one and it makes me terribly happy (really) playing the game. something long and hard . . .something slimy and wet . . .something alive and bites! . . .ha ha ha and ha. have a merry christmas every one.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
finally, i got the chance to set my christmas tree up . . .7 feet tall and huge . ..the whole living room smells like a pine forest . .hehehe . .hope that my mean cat wont play with my christmas balls and find myself picking them up every morning . . . took me a while to set it up though . . too heavy for 1 person . . my wife has to carry some of the load . .anyways, have a merry christmas fellow homo sapiens . .
Saturday, November 24, 2007
mooosah . .. .mooosaaaahh . . .(while holding both my earlobes). you know what? it doesn't work! i really don't understand myself lately. or maybe i realized this problem only after it happens and when the damage has been done or irreversible. i suck at anger management. the only thin thread holding my sanity is my beloved and i pity her coz she can't do anything about it. damn you capt. oaks. you are an evil man with a quick hand. use your brain more and heart less. poor canines and feline. arrrgh. this is killing me. writing this blog makes me angry even more. im sorry keyboard. our people from LIS will replace you when you get spoilt. (pound, pound, pound some more). moosah . . .mooooossaaaaaaahhhh . . .MOOOOSSSSAAAAAAAHHHH!
feelin emotional today. just wonderin in this cold and lonely saturday morning what has been going on with my career. it seems that the problem might lie within me. i always ask the question why does it happen, in a company, where you have good people around, it seems impossible to keep them. instead they go and you are stuck with people who instead of making your life happier, it seems that they bring the devil out of you. they make you wanna kill them and cut their heads off!
maybe the problem is me. this is the possibility i've never looked into. 3 laboratories, 3 groups of people. same result. one common denominator. me. maybe im doing something wrong that keeps this good people away. sigh. i wish i know.
tracy, daisy, jon2x. more to follow . . . . .
Friday, November 23, 2007
tsk . .it has been a week since i blogged about nonsense. its my favorite topic. nonsense. maybe im just bored im here at home and have nothing to do but sleep and what my significant other would say " norturing your testicles " i dont really know what she meant by that. really (grin). anyways, after 2 longest weeks of my working life, i am scheduled to do a double night shift today and tomolo. i would wish to have stupid nurses and doctors with me so that i have to blog about sumthing ryt?
damn you steve mclaren. u and your stupid face i always see on tv. good thing they sack you.
christmas is coming but snow is yet to be found. only good thing about global warming is that we will be even with those countries we envy coz they get to see snow. now they wont! bwahahahaha . . hahahaha . .cough cough . ..wahahahahaha! later losers!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
to make you drool with envy, to make you squirm with jealousy. i don't care. like muslims going to mecca. like christians to bethlehem. to me its this dream. living my dream. this is anfield. this is liverpool football club. this is the best football club in the world. this is me in anfield. this is my dream.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
dear colleagues, mark this day(or night rather), 10th of november 2007, a day which started with too little A and O rbcs, in which i had to receive and process a total of 25 units, a shift in which up until now, exactly 0531 hours (while most of you are drooling in sleep), i issued 5 rbc's, 4 FFP's and processed only 4 T/S! hehehe . . ain't that a record? ask wally, he only had a trip here in bts at 2230 hrs to give me 3 samples and 1 around 0400 hours. waaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!
i had to fight off sleep though. too much of miniclips.com is bad for your health.
Friday, November 9, 2007
my life after my trip has been slow . . nothin's pumping my adrenal glands to produce norepinephrine . . . after nong NoNo's departure, am looking forward to my wife's bday . . .no plans either . . . we're broke! . .1 more month of struggle and we'll be fine. ill ear dirt for lunch and some bugs for dinner . .lolz . . .im talking nonsense . .maybe the red bull's kicking in . . .gd nyt y'all . .may you all have nightmares while i suffer and work here tonight . . .
Ginger Peel the skin from a small ginger root. Slice the root into thin coins and place the pieces into a small pot of water. Boil the pieces to make tea. The tea should turn a yellowish (straw) or tan color. Add three tablespoons of your favorite honey to sweeten the tea. Sip the hot tea slowly. The tea gives a sharp tingle to the throat after swallowing it. After you sip it, gently clear your throat.This tea also works for trying to get your voice back after a cold. This remedy compliments of Cathy Ekaitis.
hahaha. this ones for piglet and pingping . . .
Thursday, November 8, 2007
rejoice everyone, its a rainy day plus a holiday! a nice day to sleep and laze around the house. watch a movie or just stare at the wall blankly the whole day. for those industrious ones, you can clean your house with a toothbrush, bring a magnifying glass to you bathroom and scrub all the specks u see. u can bathe your dog, your car or yourself if you dont have the habit of doing so. for me, sobs. im here. working. like alone. sigh. happy deepavali to all hindus. can someone explain to me what deepavali is all about???!?!?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
"There is no other field of medicine in which so great a burden of responsibilities is placed on the shoulder of the medical technologist as in BLOODBANKING, in which so much judgement is demanded of the technologist, no laboratory in which the pressure is so great and the preservation of human life depends so directly on the technologist's competence" ... W.W Zuelzer.
take that stupid nurses and idiot doctors!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
i am a sinner. it is written in God's rulz that you should keep sundays work free and holy. ya right, holy $#!(). today is an exception. really really busy day with a lot of typing and screening to do, blodd to crossmatch, stupid nurses to entertain. even the transport drivers had their share as well as people in the main bbank. im no flatfooted person but today my foot was really flattened for standing too long. i hope tomorrow's night shift will be a little payback for all the hardwork we've done today. auntie GP was superb today. would work with her anytime compared to voldy. stupify voldy!
GrRRrrRRrr . .
0900: 100ml 20% albumin
0915: "sorry, doctor cancelled".
0930: "oh so sorry, they want 100ml 20% albumin again"
1000: taken by porter
1045: "hello? we want to return albumin. not needed anymore"
1050: porter returned the albumin.
1130: 100ml 20% albumin again. (sounds shameful)
1200: porter came asking for 200ml 20% albumin. called ward.
1205: "so sorry, they want to add 100ml more".
so guys, you people who worked in a lab for so so so long. how can you maintain your poise not to go berzerk with the stupidity that you come accross everyday with these nurses and doctors?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
NotSoUnluCKyAfTerAll. . .
whew. . thank you very much eric lim! i thought my plans couldn't be salvaged. now i can spend time with NoNo and with my family for dinner tonight. i never really expected to work and how unlucky i was to have piglet go sick. anyways eric admitted that he was the source of the virus so he volunteered himself to help. hehehe . .no worries piglet, lolo is never angry. just upset. not to you but to the situation that was hopless but suddenly behold! i saw a light! satay party tonight!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
how can u greet a person whose legs are trembling, skin so pale and heart beating 100miles per hour happy holloween?? where did this greeting come from anyway? geez . . i think my holloween isn't going to be happy. i might just be called back to do another night shift. poor piglet, broke down already because of work and some evil virus roaming around the lab. drop your guard 1 sec and it will pin you down to your bed. instant 2 day medical leave. aiyo. yo yo. yo yo. like what my former boss use to say. so irritating. now that im using it, it sounds kinda funny. aiyo, yo yo, yo yo. dunno what that means! Welcome to singapore NoNo Tan!
Monday, October 29, 2007
bilatibay and two thirds! im so so so upset. we were fooled by our landlady. the with that she is lied in our faces about our house. she's selling it! and we moved in for only a couple of months! aiyo, i dont know what to say anymore. the house was unfurnished when we took it. the first time in six years that i chose an unfurnished house and bought stuff (bedz, fridge, bulky stuff)and got lucky with a very cunning landlady. ill learn witchcraft and poke her backside always. hmp.. . . on the other hand, im almost finished segregating my europe trip pics. took a while coz i really got no time nor the energy and the patience to sit in front of a pc and wait for it and see it crawl. thanks to ping2x and piglet for clearing up before my night shift. people who understands that 2 heads, 4 hands, 6 feet, 8 eyes IS better than 1 should be produced more into this world. life is bearable if not light and enjoyable with them. and of course you won't be back bitten. hehehehe. voldy voldy voldy . .tsk tsk tsk . .
Saturday, October 27, 2007
common sense. how can homo sapiens be stupid. humpty dumpty is smarter! c'mon, you wanna die and yet you jump in a not-so-high platform? why dont you buy a gun? no money? a few more stairs to climb and you feel tired and you say ill jump at this height. goodness! so stupid! climb halfway and then jump, result? 20 bags of rbc and some ffp and stress to the bloodbank! poor eric, im sorry bro, they say luck is waht you make of it. but this time i know its out of your hands. and why do we try to save people committing suicide huh? they wanna die right? let them be! ask that guy to jum off his bed head first! or better yet, TTSH has floors high enuf to end your life!now my soles are sore because i was busy in the morning. grrrrr . .linte kamo nga mga pana!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
5 nights in 2 weeks. jeez. what have i done in the past life to deserve this. lucky me to have tranquil nights though. nothing traumatic. tsk tsk tsk. slept the whole day. our neighbors from hell stopped drilling so i slept till 1 pm in the afternoon. what a bum. 13 hours of sleep! no wonder im gaining weight. hahaha. i dont care. married already. normal to have a bulging tummy. ask my brothers. hehehhe. aiyo, i hate cats. i really do. i dont know how my wife can love a cat. especailly an eggless one. everytime i remember the box that that evil thing destroyed, my BP goes up. i'll turn him into a pao one day. MARK MY WORDS OZZY!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
i have to share this . .. hahaha!
Hamburger Restaurant
A rather attractive woman goes up to the register in an upscale hamburger establishment. She gestures alluringly to a large man who comes over immediately. When he arrives, she seductively signals that he should bring his face close to hers. When he does so, she begins to gently caress is cheek, which is slowly turning a crimson red.
"Are you theowner?"
she asks, now softly stroking his face with both hands."No" he replies, "I''m just the manager."
"Can you get him for me? I need to speak to him."
She asks, running her hands up beyond his ears andinto his hair.
"I''m afraid I can''t," breathes the manager clearly aroused," he''s in the back doing taxes right now. Is there anything I can do?"
"Yes, there is. I need you to give him a message."
She continues huskily, popping a couple of fingers into his mouth and allowing him to suck them gently.
"Tell him" she says "that there is no toilet paper or hand soap in the ladies room."
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Liverpool 2 Everton 1!!!!
cheers to all kopites! . .finally had our revenge. Darn those blues. hehehe. Night shift again in this lonely corner of the lab. the only thing that accompanies you throughout the night are beeps from centifuges and calls from stupid nurses. if i had three wishes from a genie ryt now is first, world peace (eww). second is to have a happily ever after type of life and third is to make nurses' brains bigger than the size of a sunflower seed! damn those bed numbers! damn those 30 minutes equals 15 mins! grrrrrrrrrr.
life's crazy. you go for a holiday for 2 weeks and for just a mere day of hell at work, burnt you up all over again. sometimes it makes me wonder, why do people get sick? why don't they just die and be quiet. sigh. if they all die, i wont have any kuan to burn for my holidays. no choice then. got a good day though, went through it without a hitch. though tired and cranky, im well contented and satisfied. though my soles disagree. i wonder if people do get a flat sole/foot just by standing too long. those are the real hazards of my job. flatfooted, renal impairment and highblood pressure. . .
Thursday, October 18, 2007
wHy PeoPle HatE NyT ShiFts
well, here i am again. mid life crisis it seems. doing night shift, browsing the net for same old things. a question popped into my now-less-active-brain, trying to conserve energy. why do i hate night shifts? well, i guess its because i never get to see the sun rising? lolz. it has been months when i last saw the sun rising. out of the blue, another question popped in my head, how can u differentiate a sunrise and a sunset in a photograph? . . .tsk tsk tsk . .HAPPY BIRTHDAY WALF!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
just came back from our europe trip . . .too tired. too tired to think i'll be working again. . . pictures will be uploaded soon . .. need more calories just to click my mouse . . . i miss mikaele and katya . . .sobz.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
whew . .on our 4th day already and im pretty much tired. though its a different feeling of fatigue coz after seeing an old church or a picturesque landscape, it's all worth it. . .cant wait to be back to upload all the pics i manage to capture. i miss my bed too!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Finally, the long awaited trip. i don't even care if this vacation would offer enough rest for myself. all i know i wont be thinking of work for 2 weeks! gonna grab lots and lots for food and pictures. NO SHOPPING. i'm so tired now and i need to drink in the well of rejuvination. so tired packing my stuff. bye bye for now. . .gonna have myself driven to the airport soon . .tah tah!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
EuRoPe'S JewEls?
Can't wait to leave tomolo . . . the fact that i wont be suffering in the bank, attending the needs of the almighty stoopid!. . . just letting any concerned samaritan know our itinerary so that if we got lost we can be tracked! the commander-in-chief and i will have our long overdued dream vacation. i just wish that the weather would be kind to us. hell, let the rain come and still it won't dampen our spirits. all i need is my wabsie, dunno if she can sleep tonight though . .hrhrhrhrhrh . .
CaNoNizEd . .gOOd tO gO ..
Finally got "my precious" serviced. after all research and doubts, i can say canon service center did a pretty good job in cleaning my camera's sensor. snap snap, click click, europe here i come!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Geez . .after all the hype, after all attempts, i finally succomb to the jealousy and the envy of making a blog. A true definition of people who has no friends to tell his life about and creates this false enjoyment of talking to a computer by mere tapping the keyboard to infinity. all i hope is for me to change this mentality quickly so that i could go on blogging forever. to demonstate to my co-homo sapiens how to document life in a really weird way. . . May God have mercy . .
Is the nursing profession a joke? what are the qualifications of being a nurse? how come all the nurses tonight have a combined IQ of 200 (shared by 100 of them). tsk. i really tried to be kind. i did try my best. poor thing, the most stupid got the worst. sigh. i know being smart is not my asset nor being a genius at birth. but how can you explain that this profession, the profession of caretakers, seemed to forget how to care for their brains? how many times do you need to explain over the phone the same line or sentences before it can penetrate? how can you say "J" for Germany? is it the same when i say "G" for Japan? does half an hour mean 30 min to you or something else? how the hell would i know who the hell is in bed 135 ( wow, 2 hells)? do you think that the bloodbank employs psychics? every person has two hands, the left and the right, hold them er . . . why would you send a porter to get blood for more than 2 patients without a trolley? do you also think that they were employed for they were circus performers before? how can u ask for blood if you haven't had a reservation or standby and argue that it's our fault if the patient suffer? how can you not order in advance if you know that you need it at a specific time? how can you send samples like a drop of blood and expect us to do? how can you collect blood and yet tick another thing? how can you order FFP or CSP and at the same time don't know what that means? i can fill a long list of stupidity and my blog be called stupidy central for cryin out loud. c'mon! again one more time, C'MON!!! the brain is located inside the head above your shoulder for aesthetic purpose? or it's just a mushy, slimy, twisty organ that is of no use?
Disclaimer: this doesn't apply to my nurse friends....
Fact: Med tech's arch enemy - N_friekin'_urses!
Monday, September 24, 2007
TskTskTsk . . .
After spending the whole morning in my bed, after talking without any sense to my canine and feline occupants of my house, when all the homo sapiens start filling the house late in the afternoon, thats the time ill start my ritual of preparing to go out. why cant night be like day or day become night for instance? i dont even understand what im blogging here for . .